

What is the CrowdChem Data Platform?

It is a platform that provides knowledge related to the chemistry field based on independently collected data. It is currently under development and will be released in May 2023.

What you can do with the CrowdChem Data Platform

Originally collected data, data analysis functions, and text mining make it possible to smoothly select raw materials and search for customers.

・Discovery of combinations of new raw materials
・More accurate usage investigation of chemical products
・Create a list of potential customers who can use each company’s products, etc.

Benefits of implementing the CrowdChem Data Platform

The benefits of introducing the CrowdChem Data Platform are the following three.

1. Information can be searched from highly comprehensive data

Notice:Screen under development. It may change at the time of release.

The data posted on the platform is widely collected from patents, papers, catalogs, news articles, etc. No more digging around for the data you need.

2. You can select raw materials and customers on the platform

Notice:Screen under development. It may change at the time of release.
Notice:Screen under development. It may change at the time of release.

Combining machine learning and natural language processing technology, you can perform raw material selection, customer search, competitive analysis, etc., on the platform.

3. New applications and effects of raw materials can be obtained

※The image is an image.

This platform is also equipped with a material property value prediction function and a recommendation function. It may be an opportunity to gain new knowledge and discoveries, such as combinations of raw materials that you have yet to notice before.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us using the inquiry form.
